
Alex Bouquet


A vibrant mix of flowers featuring cerise rose and germini, purple lisianthus, lime green kermit chrysanth, ivory tulips and yellow solidaster with mixed foliages.


Hand tied and gift wrapped in our signature packaging.

A vibrant mix of flowers featuring cerise rose and germini, purple lisianthus, lime green kermit chrysanth, ivory tulips and yellow solidaster with mixed foliages.


Hand tied and gift wrapped in our signature packaging.

Products specifications
Flowers Chrysanthemum
Flowers Eucalyptus
Flowers Germini
Flowers Lisianthus
Flowers Roses
Flowers Tulips
Flowers Statice
Products specifications
Flowers Chrysanthemum
Flowers Eucalyptus
Flowers Germini
Flowers Lisianthus
Flowers Roses
Flowers Tulips
Flowers Statice