
Florence Bouquet


An indulgent Selection Of Pink Oriental Lily, Naomi Roses, Blush Lisianthus, Red Germini, blush Waxflower and Green Santini With Eucalyptus And Mixed Foliages 


Hand Tied A gift Wrapped In Our Signature Penny Johnson Flowers Cellophane, Tissue And A Gift Box In Water Source.

Picture Shown Flowers In Bud, And will Open At Home.

please note, if ordered for same day delivery/collection or during closing hours for next day we may not be able to get flowers in and will have to substitute with blooms to a closest likeness and value. It is always best to order in advance.

An indulgent Selection Of Pink Oriental Lily, Naomi Roses, Blush Lisianthus, Red Germini, blush Waxflower and Green Santini With Eucalyptus And Mixed Foliages 


Hand Tied A gift Wrapped In Our Signature Penny Johnson Flowers Cellophane, Tissue And A Gift Box In Water Source.

Picture Shown Flowers In Bud, And will Open At Home.

please note, if ordered for same day delivery/collection or during closing hours for next day we may not be able to get flowers in and will have to substitute with blooms to a closest likeness and value. It is always best to order in advance.