
Comet Bouquet


Christmas aqua bouquet design featuring red rose, red carnation, red Asiatic lily, blush santini chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, red tulips, and winter foliages with two christmas picks hand tied by one of our expert florists and gift wrapped in our signature packaging.


pre order now to have delivered christmas week.


Subject to availability we may need to substitute stems for flowers with a closest likeness if not available on day of purchase.

Christmas aqua bouquet design featuring red rose, red carnation, red Asiatic lily, blush santini chrysanthemums, blue eryngium, red tulips, and winter foliages with two christmas picks hand tied by one of our expert florists and gift wrapped in our signature packaging.


pre order now to have delivered christmas week.


Subject to availability we may need to substitute stems for flowers with a closest likeness if not available on day of purchase.