
Holly-Jolly Bouquet


A traditional red  selection featuring Red Lily, Red Rose,  Chrysanthemums, Red Germini with berries, Pine Cones and Winter Foliage. Gift wrapped in cellophane, tissue and a gift box in water source.


pre order now to have delivered christmas week.


Subject to availability we may need to substitute stems for flowers with a closest likeness if not available on day of purchase.

A traditional red  selection featuring Red Lily, Red Rose,  Chrysanthemums, Red Germini with berries, Pine Cones and Winter Foliage. Gift wrapped in cellophane, tissue and a gift box in water source.


pre order now to have delivered christmas week.


Subject to availability we may need to substitute stems for flowers with a closest likeness if not available on day of purchase.

Products specifications
Flowers Lillies
Flowers Gerbera
Flowers Roses
Flowers Chrysanthemum
Products specifications
Flowers Lillies
Flowers Gerbera
Flowers Roses
Flowers Chrysanthemum