
Fleur Bouquet


This pretty pastel bouquet features blush roses, mixed pastel Hyacinths, scented Narcissi, Tulips, Alstroemeria, Waxflower And cool grey Eucalyptus. 

Hand tied by one of our fabulous florist and gift wrapped in a kraft aqua box with gift card.

This pretty pastel bouquet features blush roses, mixed pastel Hyacinths, scented Narcissi, Tulips, Alstroemeria, Waxflower And cool grey Eucalyptus. 

Hand tied by one of our fabulous florist and gift wrapped in a kraft aqua box with gift card.

Products specifications
Flowers Tulips
Flowers Roses
Flowers Hyacinth
Flowers Eucalyptus
Flowers Alstroemeria
Products specifications
Flowers Tulips
Flowers Roses
Flowers Hyacinth
Flowers Eucalyptus
Flowers Alstroemeria